All About Me
Hello there! I'm glad you took the time to open up this site and to go over to this page of it. My name is Megan Glewwe, and I am a 16 year old junior in high school. I have been a Girl Scout for ten years now, and I am getting to finally go on the amazingly rewarding journey of earning my Gold Award-the highest award in Girl Scouting. I love theatre (see left!), reading, and writing, and I'm a very hard worker and dedicated student. Three words which would describe me are determined, empathetic, and kind! I hope to help people on their own mental health journies, and I hope to go into a criminal and forensic psychology program in the future.
I've struggled with both anxiety and depression for a shocking majority of my life, and it has become an important part of me since then. A few years ago, I discovered some passion for psychology and psychological disorders, and in the research which ensued I discovered that the county I grew up in and currently live in-Williamson County, TN-has the second highest juvenile suicide rate in the state. That statistic shakes me completely. As soon as I was introduced to any thought of earning my Gold Award, I knew I had to do something with mental health-it is a constant thought in my mind and a constant presence in my life. Somewhere around a year and a half later, I am proud to be moving forward with such success in this project, and I cannot wait to see what it can do.